Saturday, September 15, 2007


this weekend, even a national holiday weekend, is creaping by. without school and not knowing a soul in the city, i have nothing to do. not know the language hurts too since i can´t really just hop a bus and start exploring. BUT, monday will be much better since i´ll get to start working in the afternoons after school, so i won´t have so much down time.

in other news, i ate the following interesting things in the last 2 days:
Thurs.....una empenada de queso...not really any cheese in it, but yummy cinnamin flavor. Para la cena.....plain boiled potatoes with shredded cabbage with lemon on top, and a couple chicharrones. You folks in New Mexico know what those are....well, we got em here too.
Friday.....hotdog bun and butter for breakfast. was either chopped up hot dog or bologna, i´m not sure which since i haven´t had either for probably 15 years, fried with tomatoes and served with a tortilla (a very good tortilla). Also, i was introduced to pinol: water and corn as a drink, and also, pinolino: pinol with cacao. not bad.

Yesterday was the Nicaraguan Independance day, from Spain, and since it was a national holiday everyone got to have electricity for the whole day (interesting, don´t you think?). so, we watched to big parade at the city´s stadium on the television. a little different than parades at home, but really interesting. more of a precession, lots of fun drumming and dancing.

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