Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Managua is the most beautiful city to fly into on an aiplane. First, you come into the area over the Gulf of Mexico, then you come over the land only to shortly be over water again, only this time it's a giant lake. Then, you come to the mainland again and right away you are right over a giant volcanic lake, the crest and downslopes of the old volcanoe are so sharp, green and beautiful, and the water inside the volcanoe is dark deep blue. the land around the shore is lush green that drops right into the water, they aren't sandy beaches, not around the lake. There were fires burning here and there near the shore and I could see their smoke rising over the water from the plane. There are lots of farms , tins roofs and several old churches that i could see from above. .....

Ah! So pretty!

i havn't yet seen much but the airport and the hotel, but tomorrow the real adventure begins. Fabretto orientation and the beginning of spanish school and a homestay for 2 weeks.

what a relief to finally be here!

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