Monday, February 11, 2008

Quick Bits of Fun

Chele Mancho told me yesterday, as he was dusting all the plants in our garden with sugar, that doing so will attract ants that will eat the worms that are eating the garden. His very own brand of organic pesticide. I can't wait to see how an ant manages to eat a worm.....oh, Chele...

We had an amazing Sunday afternoon with lots of kids, drawing giant sheets of paper colaboratively, sidewalk chalking, face was fun, and there are photos on flickr. Facundo and his family all came from the community down the mountain where they live. It was great to finally meet his wife and see all of them together, they are a beautiful family and his wife is incredible. At almost forty years old she will be going to school this year on saturdays to work toward earning her highschool diploma.

In other fun, I cut all my hair off, it feels good. I think I may cut it much shorter still in the coming weeks, vamos a ver. The kids and passersby in the street act like they've never seen me before, I think maybe they think I'm a new gringa in town and that La Lorena must have gone back home to the States.

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