Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fun Stuff

Carnival in Somoto is supposed to be the biggest fiesta in all of Nicaragua. It certaintly felt like that is possible as we danced from 8pm until 5am the next morning, lively the whole night through, not stopping but to grab a bit of fritanga (fried street food).

Nicaraguans can really dance. I'd never seen such hip movement in my life, some of their bodies looked like liquid. Or like slithering snakes. The men are great leads and make it easy for us gringas who just don't have the moves our Nicaraguan sisters do.

In other news, I plan never to ride IN a bus up this mountain again. Riding ON the bus is just so much more fun! You need only to dodge a tree branch here and there. The view is so much more amazing!!! Also, you have a better opportunity above the bus to make new Nicaraguan friends.

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